Hair Loss Diagnosis in Pompano Beach and Fort Lauderdale FL
In this video, Dr. Alan Feller of Feller & Bloxham Medical discusses how hair loss is diagnosed and why it is important to have a qualified hair transplant doctor evaluate your scalp in person.
Look at the Norwood Classification Chart
Male pattern baldness (MPB) is perhaps the easiest medical condition to diagnose. Simply look at the areas where hair is falling out and compare it to the Norwood classification chart. There are many reasons for hair loss, but none that will cause hair to fall out like MPB. An experienced hair surgeon can often tell the difference.
The hair transplant doctor also looks for actual thinning in the individual hair strands. To do this, some doctors use microscopes. Although it looks nice and formal, it is not necessary. The “comb-hold” test has proven to be far more reliable and easier over the past 24 years. Simply take a regular comb and place it in the hair. We can simply slide a standard comb into the hair and if it falls out, despite numerous attempts to keep it in place, we will discuss medical or surgical treatment.
Age is a major factor all hair restoration surgeons should consider when diagnosing hair loss. Although every book states that hair loss increases with age, our interviews with thousands of patients suggest that it is more gradual. Patients who have experienced a gradual loss over many years might suddenly experience a dramatic drop in hair loss in a matter of months. Although this acceleration could be caused by significant stress in your life, it is more common to just happen as a normal thing.
If you’re experiencing hair loss, and would like to know if it will continue, here are some ways to help.
This is what Norwood’s scientific study covers:
Hair Loss can occur at any age, but the Type 3 stage is the most appropriate for hair restoration.
Type 3 hair loss is more common among men aged 40 and older. Fortunately, Norwood’s study found that Type 3 hair loss is rare in patients under 40. No males were affected by this type of hair loss. A semi-hilarious finding was that Type 3 Vertex loss occurred in 50% of patients who experienced hair loss at less than 50 years old. This excludes those over 80.
Below is the breakdown by age for patients who suffered from Type 4 or Type 5 hair loss:
The last bit of good news is that men with MPB can receive cosmetically important treatment. This is possible because modern hair transplant techniques are performed in responsible clinics . This is largely due to mega-sessions, dense packing and the fut method.