Hair Transplant Specialist in Pompano Beach FL

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for treating patterned hair loss. Local anesthesia is used to perform this procedure so the patient is awake and comfortable throughout the entire process.

The basic principle behind hair transplant surgery is that we take good strong hair from the safe donor regions in the back and sides of the head because they are permanent and genetically resistant to the effects of the hormones that cause patterned baldness. Hair is moved from this genetically resistant region and moved into the areas of baldness or thinning. The surgeon makes the slits in the recipient sites so that these transplanted hairs would grow like they naturally would in the scalp. Transplanting follicular units with high-powered microscopes and magnifiers has allowed the final results of well-performed hair transplants to look very natural.

There are two main methods for extracting hair follicles that are used to create a natural-looking hair transplant: the FUT and the FUE. The primary difference between the two procedures is in how the hair follicles are harvested and the quality of the grafts obtained using each procedure. The extracted follicles are trimmed up using microscopes. The grafts are then strategically placed in the recipient sites that have been artistically created by the surgeon resulting in a natural appearance.

After implantation in the balding area, the follicles become permanently anchored in their new home. Over the next few weeks following the hair transplant surgery, these follicles shed the hair shafts and enter a brief resting phase that correlates with the normal telogen cycle of hair growth. The hairs begin to “wake up” and enter the growth phase three to four months after the surgery. Most patients see significant results six months after the procedure, but on average the final results take anywhere from 12 to 18 months.

Before you decide to have hair transplant surgery, you must carefully consider your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon.

For more information, please refer to the other sections on hair transplants or book an in-office consultation.